Getting the visa


For the stay in Australia you need
a passport, that should be valid at least 3 months beyond your planned stay in Australia,
a visa,
a completed immigration card and
a back flight ticket.
Probably there will be a check of your financial situation to be sure you won't charge the australian welfare system.
It will be important to have a health insurance for Australia.

For a temporary visa with the opportunity to do your practical training in Australia you have to do the following:

No worries about the immigration card. You will get one in the plane before the arrival at your destination.

Internet Sources

Australia Immigration Visa Law Online Detailed Immigration Advice (english)
Visiting Australia - Immigration requirements (english)
Australische Botschaften/Konsulate in Deutschland (german)
Australische Botschaft in Bonn (german)
Allgemeines - Einreise/Einwanderung (german)

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Last changed: Sunday, 08-Feb-2009 12:42:19 CET